wrapped up歌词

时间:2024-09-22 03:55:38 来源:语文学习网 作者:管理员


Never Grow Up

翻译: SelCampbell(转载请加上这个,谢谢你~)

Your little hand's wrapped around my finger你的小手握着我的手指

And it's so quiet in the world tonight今晚,这个世界好安静

Your little eyelids flutter cause you're dreaming你的眼皮因为你正做的梦微微的颤动着

So I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light我帮你盖上被子,打开了你最喜爱的小夜灯

To you everything's funny, you got nothing to regret对你而言,这一切是多么的有趣,没有事情让你感到遗憾

I'd give all I have, honey亲爱的,我给了你一切我所拥有的

If you could stay like that希望你能一直保持这样

Oh darling, don't you ever grow up亲爱的,你可以就这样不要长大吗

Don't you ever grow up, just stay this little就这样不要长大,就一直这样小小的

Oh darling, don't you ever grow up亲爱的,你可以就这样不要长大吗

Don't you ever grow up, it could stay this simple就这样不要长大,世界就会这样一直简简单单的

I won't let nobody hurt you, won't let no one break your heart我不会让任何人伤害你,我不会让任何人打碎你的心

And no one will desert you没有人会抛弃你

Just try to never grow up, never grow up试着的不要长大,不要长大

You're in the car on the way to the movies你坐在车里,在去看电影的路上

And you're mortified your mom's dropping you off因为妈妈送你,而让你感到羞愧

At 14 there's just so much you can't do当你14岁的时候,有许许多多的事情你没有办法做

And you can't wait to move out someday and call your own shots你等不及有一天,你会搬出去,拥有自己的房子,掌握着自己的一切

But don't make her drop you off around the block但是别让她送你到离目的地一个街区远的地方(怕被别人看见)

Remember that she's getting older too记得,她也在慢慢的变老

And don't lose the way that you dance around in your pj's getting ready for school


Oh darling, don't you ever grow up亲爱的,你可以就这样不要长大吗

Don't you ever grow up, just stay this little就这样不要长大,就这样一直小小的

Oh darling, don't you ever grow up亲爱的,你可以就这样不要长大吗

Don't you ever grow up, it could stay this simple就这样不要长大,世界就会这样一直简简单单的

No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred没有人伤害你,永远不会有人让你一个人害怕

And even though you want to, just try to never grow up即使你盼望着,也请试着不要长大吧

Take pictures in your mind of your childhood room把你童年房间的样子印在记忆里

Memorize what it sounded like when your dad gets home记忆听上去好像爸爸到家时的脚步声一般温馨

Remember the footsteps, remember the words said记得那个脚步声,记得那些话语

And all your little brother's favorite songs还有所有你弟弟最爱的歌

I just realized everything I have is someday gonna be gone我才意识到,我现在拥有的一切都会在未来的某一天消失

So here I am in my new apartment现在,我站在我的新的公寓里

In a big city, they just dropped me off在一个大城市,他们开车送我到这里

It's so much colder that I thought it would be比我想象的要寒冷的许多

So I tuck myself in and turn my night light on我盖上了自己的被子,打开了自己的小夜灯

Wish I'd never grown up真希望我没有长大

I wish I'd never grown up我祈祷着,我还没有长大

Oh I don't wanna grow up, wish I'd never grown up我不想长大,真希望我没有长大

I could still be little我依旧是那样小小的

Oh I don't wanna grow up, wish I'd never grown up我不想长大,真希望我没有长大

It could still be simple世界依旧是那样的简单

Oh darling, don't you ever grow up亲爱的,你可以就这样不要长大吗

Don't you ever grow up, just stay this little就这样不要长大,就一直这样小小的

Oh darling, don't you ever grow up亲爱的,你可以就这样不要长大吗

Don't you ever grow up, it could stay this simple就这样不要长大,世界就会这样一直简简单单的

Won't let nobody hurt you我不会让任何人伤害你

Won't let no one break your heart不会让任何人打碎你的心

And even though you want to, please try to never grow up即使你盼望着,也请你试着不要长大

Oh, don't you ever grow up不要长大

Oh, never grow up, just never grow up



Y'all aint never just dreamt and pictured你们不能只活在梦中

JusTlooked at the whole situation你看看这周围的一切

Cause once you look at it因为当你看到它是

You know你就知道

They don't give a fuck about us他们他妈的根本不在乎我们

They don't give a fuck about us他们他妈的根本不在乎我们

They don't give a fuck about us他们他妈的根本不在乎我们


If I choose to ride如果我去当个骗子

Thuggin' till the day I die一辈子混黑社会直到我死

Nobody gives a fuck about us没人会他妈的在乎我们

But when I start to rise但当我开始混出名堂的时候

A hero in they children's eyes成为了孩子们眼中的英雄

Now they give a fuck about us这时他们才他妈的开始注意我们

[Verse One]

Some say niggaz is hardheaded cause we love to trick Equipped with game so we bang with this thuggin' shit有人说美国黑人劣等,因为我们在游戏中好耍诡计,所以我们便一下子成了该死的暴徒。

I see ya try to hide hoping that nobody don't notice我知道你想要逃避,不想惹人注意

You must always remember your still a member of the hopeless

See you're black like me,So you snap like me但你必须时刻意识到你仍是一个没有任何希望的种族的一员。你和我一样都是黑人。所以你应像我一样尖叫发泄。

When these devils try to plot

Trap our young black seeds, look it

Cops is as crooked as the niggaz they chasing

Looking for role models

Are father figures is basis


Some say expect illuminati一些人寄希望于先驱者

Take my body to sleep让我的躯体沉睡吧

Niggaz at the party with they shotties just as rowdy as me


Before I fix computer chips I gotta deal with brothers flipping


I don't see no devils bleeding only black blood dripping


We can change which a mouths say我们可以改变,只要我们齐声呐喊

I'm watching niggaz work they lives out without pay我眼睁睁的看着黑人没命的工作却没有报酬

Whatever it takes to switch places with the bustas on top


I'm busting shots make the world stop我向这个世界疯狂的射击

They don't give a fuck about us他们他妈的根本不在乎我们


If I choose to ride如果我去当个骗子

Thuggin' till the day I die一辈子混黑社会直到我死

Nobody gives a fuck about us没人会他妈的在乎我们

But when I start to rise但当我开始混出名堂的时候

A hero in they children's eyes成为了孩子们眼中的英雄

Now they give a fuck about us这时他们才他妈的开始注意我们

[Verse Two]

It's the morning after and all of our laughter is gone


Time to reflect on what you did cause they saying you wrong


I'm sure you had your reasons, dog I don't doubt you


See the simple fact of the matters they don't give a fuck about you


All them five mouths you forced to feed


Not including yourself还不包括你自己

All you want is wealth they precede it as greed你想要的只是财富,他们却说你贪婪

So as you loaded up that mac you continue to bust


The mob was on paper thinking they don't give a fuck about us


I'm seeing it clearer我已经看透了

Painting a picture in the mirror对着镜子,我思考的很清楚

They claim we inferior他们称我们是低劣的种族

So why the fuck these devils fear ya那么为什么他妈的那些该死的白人不害怕你

I'm watching my nation die我看着我的国家灭亡

Genocide and cause期望一场种族大屠杀

Expect a bloodbath血洗全人类

The aftermath is yours活下来就是胜利

I told you last album我上个专辑种已告诉你

We need help cause we dying我们需要帮助因为我们正在灭亡

Give us a chance给我们一个机会

Help us advance cause we trying提前帮助我们,因为我们正在努力

Ignore my whole plea不要理睬我的接口

Watching us in disgust请痛恨我们吧

And then they beg when my guns bust然后当我们向他们扫射时他们会哀求我们

They don't give a fuck about us他们他妈的根本不在乎我们


If I choose to ride如果我去当个骗子

Thuggin' till the day I die一辈子混黑社会直到我死

Nobody gives a fuck about us没人会他妈的在乎我们

But when I start to rise但当我开始混出名堂的时候

A hero in they children's eyes成为了孩子们眼中的英雄

Now they give a fuck about us这时他们才他妈的开始注意我们

[Verse Three]

Now all the homies got love for me


Down to catch a slug for me


Guarantee to bleed deeply


Now that's love


Shit, nobody else would give a fuck if I'm tow down From the floor down


6 feet deep bended cut 6只脚趾被折断了

What the fuck done went wrong他妈的怎么会这样

How long will I be mourned我会被哀悼多长时间

When I'm gone same song当我唱同一首歌,并一直拥护你们时

And give a fuck all along

And who am I to blame‘em我以什么身份去谴责他们

Just doing die through the rain就在雨中死去吧!

Since they don't give a fuck I don't既然他们他妈的不在乎,

Feel what I'm saying我不知道我在说什么

Now thug niggaz die but multiply in doubles现在几个黑人暴徒死去了

Wrapped in plastic被裹在塑料袋种

Or closed casket或是棺材里

For our troubles为了我们的困境。

Present times we busted like bubbles当前,我们像子弹像沸水种的气泡

With the police this nation's beasts sent here to run you


Now look at what this crooked world has come to


I grew up on the other side of perfect


A life of hurting messed a hustle whistle die uncertain


So I stay up until I'm working


I see no reason so I sleep


All these seeds in the season


Why you stuck thinking that they give a fuck


You tell me that my world is in peace


Well nigga you're lying


Cause half of my niggaz long gone


Buried in the dirt just for trying


Sometimes I think my block is dying


And that it's awful


To wake up to another day


Shit aint changed that's awful


I wake up sweating, dreaming, coughing


Seeing me upside down back was head


Twisted while I'm laying in the coffin


The shit comes around so often


So tell me something


Before I take it out on the world


And get the dumping


Nigga I'll be so for bang go through the struggle


I'm doing the same thing you did at my age in as hustling


On the edge of straight busting


What's this you don't give a fuck and you fronting?


I'm a drink my Hennessey我喝自己的血液

Like it aint nothing像没事一样!

[Chorus: 2X]

If I choose to ride如果我去当个骗子

Thuggin' till the day I die一辈子混黑社会直到我死

Nobody gives a fuck about us没人会他妈的在乎我们

But when I start to rise但当我开始混出名堂的时候

A hero in they children's eyes成为了孩子们眼中的英雄

Now they give a fuck about us这时他们才他妈的开始注意我们

They wanna see us die


They kick us every time we try


Cause they don't give about us


To while I'm getting high


I'm watching as the world goes by


Cause they don't give a fuck about us


[Over Chorus]

If I choose to ride如果我去当个骗子

Thug till I die一辈子混黑社会直到我死

While I'm kicking rhymes当我将这些付诸于韵律中

Getting it into they children's minds把它根植在孩子们的心中

Now they give a fuck about us现在他们他妈的在乎我们了

They wanna see us die他们想看着我们死

Every time we try每当我们尝试去反抗的时候

Cause they don't give a fuck about us因为他们他妈的不在乎我们

Me and my niggaz get high我和兄弟们都喝高了!!

Watching the world go by我们看着这世界走过

Cause they don't give a fuck about us因为他们不在乎我们

Rise, Riiiiise奋起吧~~~~~~~~

```` THE END `````````




热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词