why me 歌词翻译

时间:2024-09-23 00:29:47 来源:语文学习网 作者:管理员

In my dream,在我梦中

children sing

a song of love for every boy and girl.孩子们为所有人吟唱着一首爱的歌

The sky is blue and fields are green

and laughter is the language of the world.蓝天碧草之间笑声成了世界通用的语言.

Than I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need.然而当我醒来的时候却发现世界上到处是需要帮助的人.

Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么

does it have to be like this?真的只能是这样吗?

Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么

is there something I have missed?是不是我错过了什么?

Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么

cos' I don't understand,因为我实在是无法理解

when so many need somebody,有那么多需要帮助的人

we don't give a helping hand.我们却不伸出援助之手

Tell me why?告诉我为什么

Every day,

I ask myself,每天我都在问自己

what will I have to do to be a man?做为一个人我该做些什么

Do I have to stand and fight,

to prove to everybody who I am?我是不是要站起来抗争,向所有人证明我的价值

Is that what my life is far,

to waste in a world full of war?而这是不是意味着我的一生就将耗费在这满是硝烟的世界?

Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么

does it have to be like this?真的只能是这样吗?

Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么

is there something I have missed?是不是我错过了什么?

Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么

cos' I don't understand,因为我实在是无法理解

when so many need somebody,有那么多需要帮助的人

we don't give a helping hand.我们却不伸出援助之手

Tell me why?告诉我为什么

Tell me why(Tell me why)?告诉我为什么

Tell me why(Tell me why)?告诉我为什么

Tell me why(Tell me why)?告诉我为什么

Just tell me why!这到底是为什么?

Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么

does it have to be like this?真的只能是这样吗?

Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么

is there something I have missed?是不是我错过了什么?

Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么

cos' I don't understand,因为我实在是无法理解

when so many need somebody,有那么多需要帮助的人

we don't give a helping hand.我们却不伸出援助之手

Tell me why?告诉我为什么

(Why,why,does the tiger run)为什么,为什么老虎也要逃跑

Tell me why?告诉我为什么

(Why,why,do we shoot the gun)为什么,为什么我们让子弹射出枪堂

Tell me why?告诉我为什么

(Why,why,do we never learn)为什么,为什么我们从来不吸取教训

Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?谁能告诉我,为什么我们烧毁森林

(Why,why,do we said we care)为什么,为什么我们光说我们在乎

Tell me why?告诉我为什么

(Why,why,do we stand and stare)为什么,为什么我们只是站着旁观

Tell me why?告诉我为什么

(do the dolphins cry)为什么,为什么海豚在哭泣

Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die?谁能告诉我,为什么我们让海洋死去

(Why,why,if we're all the same)为什么,为什么,如果我们大家是一样的.

Tell me why?告诉我为什么

(Why,why,do we pass and blame)为什么,为什么我们却在互相谴责

Tell me why?告诉我为什么

(Why,why,does it never end)为什么,为什么这些永无休止

Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends?谁能告诉我,为什么我们不能友好相处

Why,why,(do we close our eyes)为什么,为什么(我们闭上了我们的眼睛)

Why,why,(do the greedy life)为什么,为什么(我们让生命满是贪婪)

Why,why,(do we fight for land)为什么,为什么(我们为了土地而争斗)

Can someone tell us why'cos we don't understand?谁能告诉我,因为我们实在无法知道



Why Would I Ever歌词

why would i ever why would i ever究竟为什么

why would i ever think of leaving you为什么我要考虑是否要离你而去呢

why would i ever, why would i ever究竟为什么

why would i ever think of leaving you为什么我要考虑是否要离你而去呢

wait a minute baby等一会宝贝

tell me what’s up lately告诉我最近你怎么样

I been knowing you too long我们认识很久了

why you hiding something你为什么要掩饰一些事情

thought we was through with fronting认为我们已经结束?

i can tell that something’s wrong我看得出有些不对劲

how could you even think that你怎么会那么想呢

I wouldn’t have your back我得不到你的支持

It’s me and you against the world你和我不顾别人的反对

No matter what we go through不管我们经历了什么

I’mma always roll with you我会一直和你在一起和你共同努力

I promise I will be your girl我向你保证我会成为你的女人

why would i ever why would i ever究竟为什么

why would i ever think of leaving you(somebody say)为什么我要考虑是否要离开你呢(有个声音在说)

why would i ever究竟为什么

baby I’d never宝贝我决不会那么做

cuz I just wouldn’t know how to get through(somebody say)因为我不知道怎么才能熬过没有你的生活(有个声音在说)

cuz you put together every piece of me因为是你将支离破碎的我拼凑完整

and baby you…you know exactly what i need to be(talk to me)宝贝你清楚知道我要成为什么样的人(和我好好谈谈吧)

why would i ever, why would i ever究竟为什么

why would i ever think of leaving you为什么我要考虑是否要离你而去呢

wait a minute hold up等一等保持平静

I said when you rolled up我说当你出现在我面前

you was yelling off the chain失控地大叫的时候

get mad when i can’t make time当我无法腾出时间陪你的时候你就会很生气

houlda known that I’m on my grind早该知道我也在努力啊

babe you know it’s all in your brain宝贝你知道这都是你的想法 now we been through some problems现在我们遇到了一些问题

trust me we can solve them相信我我们可以解决我们之间的问题

we got too much in it to lose我们失去的太多了

you’ve always been my best friend你一直都是我最好的朋友

stop placing your bets when不要再打赌了

baby I not leaving you宝贝我不会离开你

tell me why did you ever question告诉我为什么你总爱问问题 question everything we stand for什么都要问

between us(we got that)我们之间(我们拥有…)

have you seen us(we got that love)你难道没看见我们俩(我们拥有爱情)

we got that love我们拥有爱情

【重复同上】 why would i ever

why would i ever

why would i ever think of leaving you(somebody say)

why would i ever

baby I’d never

cuz I just wouldn’t know how to get through(somebody say)

cuz you put together every piece of me

and baby you…you know exactly what i need to be(talk to me)

why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you

I’m not leaving you

No I’m not leaving you我不会离开你的

I won’t leave you in the cold我不会让你孤零零一个人

I’m not leaving you I’m not leaving you我不会离你而去的

Baby you know I love you宝贝你知道我爱你

why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you

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