
时间:2024-09-22 07:30:22 来源:语文学习网 作者:管理员

Lucky you were born that far away幸运的,你在远方出生 So

we could both make fun of distance所以,我俩可以拿距离来说笑 Lucky that I love a foreign man for幸运的,我爱一个外国人 The lucky fact of your existance你的存在,就是这幸运的事实 Baby I would climb the Andes solely亲爱的,我会单独地攀登安第斯山脉(比喻爱人的身体) To count the freckles on your body去数算你身体上的雀斑 Never could imagine there were only从来不能想像, So many ways to love somebody有那么多方式去爱一个人 Le ro lo le lo le Le ro lo le lo le Can't you see...I'm at your feet你还不明白吗?我被你降服了! Whenever

Wherever无论何时,无论在何处, We're meant to be together我们注定是在一起的 I'll be there and you'll be near我将会在那里,你也会靠近 And that's the deal

my dear亲爱的,那亦是个承诺, You're over

you're under你在远、你在近, You'll never have to wonder你永不需要怀疑 We can always play by ear我们总能贴近地玩笑 But that's the deal my dear但是我亲爱的,那是个承诺 Lucky that my lips not only mumble幸运的,我的嘴唇不单只能含糊地说话, They spill kisses like a fountain它们涌出如喷泉的吻 Lucky that my breasts are*** all and humble幸运的,我的***是细小而不显眼 So you don't confuse them with mountains那么,你不会混淆了它们是山脉, Lucky I have strong legs like my mother幸运的,我像母亲,有强壮的腿 To run for cover when i need it当我需要保护时,可以跑去争取(cover可有多个解释,这里不清楚) And these o eyes are for no other而这两眼不为别的人存在 The day you leave I will cry a river你离开的那天,我会泪如泉涌 Le ro lo le lo le Le ro lo le lo le At your feet...I'm at your feet被你降服了,我被你降服了 Whenever

Wherever无论何时,无论在何处, We're meant to be together我们注定是在一起的 I'll be there and you'll be near我将会在那里,你也会靠近 And that's the deal

my dear亲爱的,那亦是个承诺, You're over

you're under你在远、你在近, You'll never have to wonder你永不需要怀疑 We can always play by ear我们总能贴近地玩笑 But that's the deal my dear但是亲爱的,那是个承诺 Le ro lo le lo le Le ro lo le lo le We can fly

say it again我们可飞翔,再说一次, Le ro lo le lo le lo le Tell me one more time再次告诉我, That you're there lost in my eyes你迷失在我的眼神中 2010-01-02 15:19:51补充:**(这段唱两次)****Whenever

wherever无论何时,无论在何处, We're meant to be together我们注定是在一起的 I'll be there and you'll be near我将会在那里,你也会靠近 And that's the deal my dear亲爱的,那亦是个承诺, You're over

you're under你在远、你在近, 2010-01-02 15:20:03补充: You've got me head over heels你令我神魂颠倒 There's nothing left to fear不需要害怕甚么 If you really feel the way I feel如果你真的与我有同样的感觉**

Whenever You Call Mariah Carey


Love wandered inside---当内心爱意弥漫

Stronger than you Stronger than I---你我都只能缴械



And now that it has begun---爱的种子一旦发芽

We cannot turn back---便没法倒退


We can only turn into one---我们只需相依相爱


I won't ever be too far away to feel you---从不想因远离而漠然

And I won't hesitate at all Whenever you call---或许我根本不应该犹豫,无论何时你呼唤我

And I'll always remember The part of you so tender---你的温柔我此生难忘

I'll be the one to catch you fall Whenever you call---我会搀扶着你无论何时你需要我

And I'm truly inspired---我得到了真实的启示

(And I'm)

Finding my soul---寻觅我的灵魂

(Finding my soul)

There in your eyes---在你的双眸里

(There in your eyes)

And you

(And you)

Have opened my heart---你解开我尘封的心

And lifted me inside---将我从深渊救起

By showing me yourself---用自己装点了灰白的我



I won't ever be too far away to feel you---我不想因远离而漠然

And I won't hesitate at all Whenever you call---或许我根本不应该犹豫,无论何时你呼唤我

And I'll always remeber The part of you so tender---你的温柔我此生难忘

I'll be the one to catch you fall Whenever you call---我会搀扶着你无论何时你需要我

(MC: Uuuuuh)


And I will breathe for you each day---我会每天伴着你的气息

Comfort you through all the pain---安慰你的痛楚

Gently kiss your fears away---用一个轻吻打消你的忧虑


You can turn to me and cry---你每每朝我失声痛哭

Always understand that I Give you all I am inside但总会明白我的内心


I won't ever be too far away to feel you---我不想因远离而漠然

And I won't hesitate at all Whenever you call---或许我根本不应该犹豫,无论何时你呼唤我

I won't ever be too far away to feel you---你的温柔我此生难忘

And I won't hesitate at all Whenever you call---我会搀扶着你无论何时你需要我

And I'll always remeber The part of you so tender---你的温柔我此生难忘

I'll be the one to catch you fall Whenever you call我会搀扶着你无论何时你需要我

Whenever you call---无论何时你呼唤我

Whenever you Call---无论何时...

上一篇:when 歌词翻译


热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词