there he go歌词

时间:2024-09-22 10:35:26 来源:语文学习网 作者:管理员

作词:Paul Epworth&Adele Adkins作曲:Paul Epworth&Adele Adkins Some say I'll be better without you有人说我要好些 ADELE But they don't know you like I do而你却不知道你喜欢我做的 Or at least the sides I thought I knew或者至少双方我以为我知道 I can't bear this time我不能忍受在这次的时候 It drags on as I lose my mind我迷失了方向 Reminded by things I find Like notes and clothes you've left behind提醒我发现喜欢事物的笔记和衣服你还剩下叫醒我 Wake me up, wake me up when all is done叫醒我,当一切都办 I won't rise until this battle's won My dignity's become undone But I won't go我不会上升直至赢得这场战役中我的尊严已经成为我不会去做 I can't do it on my own If this ain't love, then what is?但我不能自己做如果这不是爱,那究竟是什么? I'm willing to take the risk我愿意冒这个险 I won't go I can't do it on my own If this ain't love, then what is?否则我不会去我不能自己做如果这不是爱,那究竟是什么? I'm willing to take the risk So petrified,我愿意冒这个险那么僵住了 I'm so scared to step into this ride我很害怕,踏进这个骑 What if I lose my heart and fail, declined如果我失去我的心和失败 I won't forgive me if I give up trying拒绝我不会原谅我放弃尝试 I heard his voice today I didn't know a single word he said我听见他的声音我今天不知道一个字 Not one resemblance to the man I met他说不跟一个遇到的男人 Just a vacant broken boy instead我只是一个空破碎的男孩 But I won't go I can't do it on my own If this ain't love, then what is?但我不会去而不是我不能自己做如果这不是爱,那究竟是什么? I'm willing to take the risk我愿意冒这个险 I won't go I can't do it on my own If this ain't love, then what is?否则我不会去我不能自己做如果这不是爱,那究竟是什么? I am willing to take the risk There will be times,我愿意冒这个险会有很多次 we'll try and give it up我们会努力的,放弃它 Bursting at the seams, no doubt肚子都要撑破了 We'll almost fall apart, then burn to pieces毫无疑问我们将几乎崩溃 So watch them turn to dust然后根燃烧看他们变为尘埃 But nothing will ever taint us但是没有一个人会主张 I won't go I can't do it on my own If this ain't love, then what is?否则我不会去我不能自己做如果这不是爱,那究竟是什么? I'm willing to take the risk我愿意冒这个险 I won't go I can't do it on my own If this ain't love, then what is?否则我不会去我不能自己做如果这不是爱,那究竟是什么? I am willing to take the risk Will he, will he still remember me?我愿意冒这个险,他还记得我吗? Will he still love me even when he's free?他还爱我,甚至当他有空吗? Or will he go back to the place where he will choose the poison over me?或者,他回去那个地方他将选择毒著我? When we spoke yesterday当我们昨天所说的 He said to hold my breath and sit and wait他说握住我的呼吸,坐下, I'll be home so soon, I won't be late等待我要待在家里这么快 He won't go He can't do it on his own我不会迟到他不去他不能自己独立 If this ain't love, then what is那件事如果这不是爱, He's willing to take the risk那他是什么也不愿意冒这个险 So I won't go He can't do it on his own If this ain't love, then what is所以我不会去他不能自己独立做那件事如果这不是爱, I'm willing to take the risk那什么是我愿意冒这个险'Cause he won't go He can't do it on his own,因为他不去他不能自己独立做那件事 If this ain't love, then what is?如果这不是爱,那究竟是什么? We're willing to take the risk我们愿意冒这个险 I won't go I can't do it on my own If this ain't love, then what is?否则我不会去我不能自己做如果这不是爱,那究竟是什么? I'm willing to take the risk我愿意冒这个风险



歌手:Galen Crew

作曲: Galen Crew

作词: Galen Crew

in the year of our lord 1239


there once lived a girl of a royal line


the ancient stories do recall?


she was the fairest of them all


in a castle made of stone


every night she slept alone


any noise that would raise the dead


couldn't wake her sleepyhead


a stranger came from a foreign land


asking for the maiden's hand


her father said no go away


she's gonna marry a king one day


the stranger he came back again


riding with 10 thousand men


Their battle cries filled all with dread


but couldn't wake her sleepyhead


the fighting lasted all day long


but the castle walls were thick and strong


the stranger cried let her decide


where her true affections lie


so the king knocked on her door


only you can end this war


no one knows how the story ends


did she ever wake again?


will she ever wake again?



《Sleepyhead》是Galen Crew原唱的一首歌曲。选自他的专辑《Acoustic Daydreams》,整首歌曲干净、空灵、舒服的嗓音,将一段故事如民谣一般娓娓道来。

Galen Crew,美国天才唱作人,1990年7月11日生于美国新泽西州的大洋城。8岁时,他们一家人搬到了纳什维尔。他从小就表现出对音乐的兴趣。在痴迷吉他之前曾学过单簧管、钢琴和架子鼓。随着吉他功力的提高,他对于作曲的热情也与日俱增。从高中到大学,他的音乐能力一直很突出,并赢得了许多奖项。


Galen crew 1990年7月11日生于美国新泽西州的大洋城。他从小就表现出对音乐的兴趣。在痴迷吉他之前曾学过单簧管、钢琴和架子鼓。随着吉他功力的提高,他对于作曲的热情也与日俱增。从高中到大学,他的音乐能力一直很突出,并赢得了许多奖项。他加入过流行、重摇滚、福音乐队。

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热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词