just hold me歌词

时间:2024-09-22 05:39:01 来源:语文学习网 作者:管理员

《Just Hold Me》

演唱:Maria Mena

所属专辑:《Apparently Unaffected》



Comfortable as I am尽管我是这样的舒适

I need your reassurance我还是需要你的肯定

And comfortable as youare正如你也一样

You count the days你倒数着日子

But if I wanted silence可是如果我只是想要缄默

I would whisper我不会发出声响

And if I wanted loneliness如果我是真的想要一个人过

I'd choose to go我早已选择一走了之

And if I likedrejectionI'd audition假使我倾向拒绝我会事先预演

And if I didn't loveyou抑或我不爱你

You would know我想你也会知道

And why can't you justhold me那么为什么你不紧紧抱着我

And how come it is sohard真的有那么难吗

And do you like to seeme broken你当真愿意看到我心碎吗

And why do I still care可我为什么依然那么在乎

Still care还是那么在乎

At the end of thisnarrow hall在狭窄的厅堂的尽头

You say you see thelight now你说你看到了灯光

I wish it didn't matter我是多么渴望它无关风月

I wish I didn't giveyou all我多么希望我未曾把一切都给了你

But if I wanted silence如果我想寂静

I would whisper我会悄声耳语

And if I wantedloneliness如果我是真的想要一个人

I'd choose to go我早已选择一走了之

And if I likedrejectionI'd audition假使我倾向拒绝我会事先预演

And if I didn't loveyou抑或我不爱你

You would know我想你也会知道

And why can't you justhold me那么为什么你不紧紧抱着我

And how come it is sohard真的有那么难吗

And do you like to seeme broken你当真愿意看到我心碎吗

And why do I still care可我为什么依然那么在乎

Poor littlemisunderstood baby犹如可怜的遭误解的幼孩

No one likes a sad face世上没人青睐悲伤的面容

But I can't rememberlife without him但我已回忆不起没他的日子

I think I did have these good days我也的确有过的美好日子

That I did stay那是我的确有过的

And Why....那么为什么

Why can't you just holdme为什么你不紧紧抓住我

And how come it is sohard它怎么会那么难呢

And do you like to seeme broken你当真忍心看到我心碎毁灭

And why do I still care?可是我为什么依然那么在乎那么在乎你

This life don't last forever(hold my hand)苦日子不会永远下去(牵我的手) So tell me what we're waiting for(hold my hand)你说我们还在拖延什么呢?(牵我的手) Better off being together(hold my hand)你我两人一起(牵我的手) Being miserable alone(hold my hand)胜过独自忧郁(牵我的手) Cuz i been there before and you been there before but together we can be alright你我都曾经如此彷徨但两人一起定可渡过难关 Cuz when it gets dark and when it gets cold we hold each other till we see the sunlight纵然日子艰难我们可牵彼此的手直至见到那美丽阳光沐浴大地 So if you just hold my hand,baby i promise that i'll do all i can所以只要牵住我的手亲爱的我誓尽全力 Things'll get better if you just hold my hand一切都会好起来的只要牵住我的手 Nothing can come between us if you just hold my hand前方障碍都不在话下只要牵住我的手 The nights are getting darker(hold my hand)当夜晚越来越黑的时候(牵我的手) And there's no peace inside(hold my hand)内心又失去了宁静平和(牵我的手) So why make our lives harder(hold my hand)所以为何要让我们的生活更难 By fighting love tonight让我们的生活更糟糕? I can tell that you're tired of being lonely我能看得出你已经对孤身一人感到疲惫 Take my hand don’t let go baby hold me牵我的手亲爱的千万别放开握紧 Talk to me and let me be your one and only和我说说话让我做你的唯一意中人 Cuz I can make it alright till the morning我能让事事顺心到清晨 So if you just hold my hand,baby i promise that i'll do all i can所以只要牵住我的手亲爱的我誓尽全力 Things'll get better if you just hold my hand一切都会好起来的只要牵住我的手 Nothing can come between us if you just hold my hand前方障碍都不在话下只要牵住我的手

上一篇:just here歌词翻译
下一篇:just hold on歌词


热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词