i hurt myself today我自伤
/to see if i still feel以感受
/i focus on the pain凝神于疼痛
/the only thing that's real是唯一的真实
/the needle tears a hole针尖蛰噬伤口
/the old familiar sting刺痛一如往昔
/try to kill it all away只愿一切湮灭
/but i remember everything往事却不如烟
/what have i become?我已然如此
/my sweetest friend我的挚爱
/everyone i know至交旧友
/goes away in the end终将随风化去
/and you could have it all唯你能拥有一切
/my empire of dirt超脱凡世
/i will let you down唯恐负你
/i will make you hurt唯恐伤你
/i wear my crown of shit愿负荆棘之冠
/upon my liar's chair献于谎者之位
/full of broken thoughts记忆片片成裂
/i cannot repair碎不可补
/beneath the stain of time时光流转
/the feeling disappears万念成空
/you are someone else你已人非
/i am still right here我仍空守
/what have i become?我已然如此
/my sweetest friend我的挚爱
/everyone i know至交旧友
/goes away in the end终将随风化去
/and you could have it all唯你能拥有一切
/my empire of dirt超脱凡世
/i will let you down唯恐负你
/i will make you hurt唯恐伤你
/if icould start again如可重来
/a million miles away无惧万水千山
/i would keep myself矢志不渝
/i would find a way上下求索
(非原创,因为太喜欢了了,所以根据person of interest的字幕君的翻译略作了下修改。供参考)
揭示Johnny Cash的《Hurt》:灵魂深处的痛与尊严
这首歌就像一把锐利的刀,直指人心,让我们深入理解Johnny Cash在《Hurt》中的情感世界。这首歌的开头四句,犹如暮年的英雄,"I hurt myself today",是为了验证自己是否依然感知痛感,那是一种对生存意识的顽强坚持,仿佛在生死边缘试探,"to see if I still feel".
接下来的歌词,"The needle tears a hole, the old familiar sting",揭示了可能的医疗场景,但"needle"并不单纯指针,它象征着治疗带来的痛苦,"try to kill it all away"却唤起对死亡的抵抗。这是尊严与痛苦的角力,歌者在生与死的边缘挣扎,"kill it all away"是对解脱的渴望,但"but I remember everything"则表明他拒绝放弃,生命不息,战斗不止。
"What have I become? My sweetest friend",这里的"friend"并非真正的朋友,而是死神的象征,因为"everyone I know goes away in the end",死神陪伴着他在孤独的道路上。这并非温情的告别,而是讽刺与控诉,"my sweetest friend"加深了这种反差,表达出对死神的深深恨意。
歌曲的后半段是对死神的挑战,"And you could have it all, my empire of dirt",歌者明白自己的命运,却坚决不向死神低头,他以"make you hurt"回应,就如同李宗盛《山丘》中的“不自量力的还手,直至死方休”。
"I wear this crown of thorns",crown和chair的比喻揭示了他在病痛中的坚韧,即使在最艰难的时刻,他依然保持着英雄的气概。"Full of broken thoughts"与"the stains of time",则描绘了药物带来的恍惚,以及时间在肌肤上留下的老年印记,象征着生命的消逝与自我认知的模糊。
最后,"You are someone else, I am still right here",是歌者在意识模糊中对自我存在的坚守,尽管世界在他眼中变得模糊,但他依然坚持,生命还在,抵抗还在。
Johnny Cash的《Hurt》不仅是一首歌,它是一段心灵的旅程,讲述着一个灵魂在面对痛苦和死亡时,如何保持尊严,如何与自我和命运抗争。这首歌的每一个词,都像一面镜子,反映出人性的坚韧与无奈。