crazy five歌词

时间:2024-09-22 09:57:27 来源:语文学习网 作者:管理员

I can't stand to fly我不能再忍受飞行了

I'm not that naive我也没那么天真

I'm just out to find我只是想出去寻找

The better part of me一个更好的我

I'm more than a bird...我不只是只鸟

I'm more than a plane也不只是架飞机

More than some pretty face beside a train


It's not easy to be me能做自己真的不容易

Wish that I could cry真希望我也能哭泣

Fall upon my knees跪倒在地

Find a way to lie找个可以说谎的办法

About a home I'll never see关于那个我从未见过的家园

It may sound absurd...听起来可能有点可笑

but don't be nieve但是不要太天真

Even Heroes have the right to bleed就算英雄也有流血的权利

I may be disturbed...也许我不太正常

but won't you concede但你难道能否认

Even Heroes have the right to dream就算英雄也有梦想的权利

It's not easy to be me做自己不容易

Up, up and away...away from me向上飞,向上飞,离我远远的

It's all right...这没关系

you can all sleep sound tonight你们今晚都能睡个好觉

I'm not crazy...or anything...我没有发疯或其他什么

I can't stand to fly我不能再忍受飞行了

I'm not that naive我也没那么天真

Men weren't meant to ride人类不能

With clouds between their knees骑着云朵就飞翔

I'm only a man in a silly red sheet我只是一个披着愚蠢的红色床单的人

Digging for kryptonite on this one way street在这条单行道上挖氪石

Only a man in a funny red sheet我只是一个披着可笑的红床单的人

Looking for special things inside of me在我的心里找寻一些特殊的东西

inside of me在我心里

inside me在我心里

yeah.inside of me耶,在我的心里

inside of me在我心里

I’m only a man我只是个普通人

In a funny red sheet披着可笑的红色床单

I’m only a man Looking for a dream我只是个普通人,寻找着一个梦想

I’m only a man我只是个普通人

In a funny red sheet披着可笑的红色床单

And it’s not easy,这不容易

hmmm, hmmm, hmmm..嗯……嗯……嗯……

Its not easy to be me能做回自己不容易


Maybe I

You were right命中的那个人

You came over me你出现了

What've never been before以前从没出现过的

You slid under my door and now I find你悄然飘进我的世界我才发现

A Reason to admit I've been too lazy不得不承认我太曾经懒惰了

But in this light但此刻

In this atmosphere在这种氛围之下

I'M starting to believe我开始相信

The other side of me but who's to know我生命中的另一可能,但谁知道

Honey?surely one of us is crazy亲爱的,我想我们其中一个肯定疯了

Maybe I?I'M not so easily stung也许?我不是那么容易一见钟情

Maybe I?I got some love for someone也许?我应该爱上其他人

Maybe I?I'M not the story for you也许?我并不是你人生中的篇章

Maybe I?I'll be the do you ought to do也许?我应该成为你的那个人

So now I stand现在我处在

I never stood before我从来没遇到的境况

What's better left unsaid is done, buried and dead and you're alive还好那些没说的话在已经结束,掩埋,消逝了的时候你就出现了

Girl I think you might just stay the night女孩我想你可能会留下来

Maybe I?I'M not so easily stung也许?我不是那么容易一见钟情

Maybe I?I got some love for someone也许?我应该爱上其他人

Maybe I?I'll write a story for you也许?我愿意为你书写一段生命的篇章

Maybe I?I'll be the do you ought to do也许?我应该成为你的那个人

I'M not trying to take it easy我没有试图把它看得很随意

I'M not trying to help you see我也没有试图刻意让你察觉

I'M not trying to take us over我也没有试图一定要成为一对

I'M just trying to believe我只是试图去相信

Maybe I?I'M not so easily stung也许?我不是那么容易一见钟情

Maybe I?I got some love for someone也许?我应该爱上其他人

Maybe I?I'M just the story for you也许?我愿意成为你生命中的篇章

Maybe I?I'll be the do you ought to do也许?我应该成为你的那个人

Maybe I? I'M not the one for your love也许?我不是你命中注定的那个人

Maybe I?I'll be your heaven above也许?我就是你的天堂

Maybe I?I'll write a story for two也许?我愿意与你书写我们生命的篇章

Maybe I?I'll be the do that you do也许?我应该现在就去牵着你的手,永不放开~

上一篇:crazy dog音译歌词
下一篇:crazy girl歌词


热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词